Friday, January 13, 2012

Hang Out : New Friends

Last Tuesday i met with these girls.. Siti, Puput and De'fath ( Siti's Sister ). Actually i arranged the meeting with Etu also,but she have to go to some places. So, i only met Etu when we're going back home.I accompanied her to Moshaict to grab some her stuff,and she drove me home,safely ;D
here are some pictures that taken at MKG Rest Room ;p

with Puput Utami

Me, Siti , Puput

i wore

Purple Crop Cardigan - LM
Black Tube Top - Unbranded
Purple Flowery Skirt - Unbranded
Purple Scarf - Kaffah
Black Quilted Sling Bag - Charles & Keith

Photographed By :  Siti

Thank u Siti for taken this Pictures and share to me :*


  1. nama kita mirip yah, haha aku liat nama nya dari twitt2an km sama ka siti kmrn2 di timeline aku, penasaran namanya kembar, eh ada blognya aku follow deh hehee.. salam kenal putri :D

  2. haiiiii,,aku juga tadi mampir blog kmu.. kmrn pas ktemu siti,dy smpt mention nama kmu,,ktanya mirip namanya sama Puthe,tpi ak ga tau..
    salam kenal yaaa Puthe ;D

  3. i always love your eyebrow kak...ajarinnn,hehhe ;)

  4. sy juga confius dong..ingat puthe nyer blog..rupanya salah yg berbeda hikhikhik...

    1. hhehehe iyaa kita emang dua org yang berbeda,tapi namanya mirip ;p
